Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Open Letter to Director PAHO/WHO

Open Letter To: Mirta Roses Periago, Director, The Pan American Health Office
                       Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization

Dear Ms. Periago,

I was deeply disheartened to learn that your organization has accepted a $150,000 contribution from Nestlé, 1 the major violator of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes.

First of all, your alliance with Nestlé is a direct contradiction to your own Mission Statement : "To lead strategic collaborative efforts among Member States and other partners to promote equity in health, to combat disease, and to improve the quality of, and lengthen, the lives of the peoples of the Americas."3  I contend that Nestlé is a major contributor to inequity of health by their predatory marketing practices.4
Also, they increase world-wide disease by methodically sabotaging breastfeeding efforts which can only result in the quality and length of lives being greatly diminished, not improved.  

This absurd affiliation can be further clarified by referring to your very own Health Agenda for the Americas 2007-2017 which states, "In accordance with the quest for equity, the Health Authority should prioritize and emphasize specific actions to reduce maternal, neonatal, and child mortality in all segments of society. Breastfeeding should be promoted, and actions taken to prevent infections, dehydration, respiratory diseases, and malnutrition and obesity among children as part of the problems of childhood nutrition."5   One must ask why an organization who publishes the above statement would align themselves with Nestlé, the largest purveyor of infant formula and junk food on the planet, infamously boycotted for their callous, aggressive marketing tactics.6

In addition, Nestlé products for babies and children are made from modified cow’s milk, genetically engineered soy, high-fructose corn syrup, added sugars, a variety of fats (palm, soybean and coconut oils), plus a long list of chemicals to adjust nutrient levels and enhance product appearance. Bottlefeeding artificial baby milks often leads to large volume, parent-controlled meals leading to overfeeding which contributes to childhood obesity in the Americas.7

Also, I noticed on your website the PAHO Core Values which include,
"Integrity - Assuring transparent, ethical, and accountable performance".8  Accepting funds from Nestlé is far from honorable. Instead, it clearly demonstrates the grave conflict of interest that exists between health organizations and the junk food industry. Not to mention, a clear and all too common, example of Nestlé’s false benevolence.

Furthermore, this action proclaims a blatant breach of trust with the very mothers and children you protect, not to mention, the health advocates, such as myself, who have devoted their lives tirelessly to promoting the WHO International Code for Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes.
Lastly, linking with Nestlé seriously undermines the credibility of your organization and WHO as a whole. WHO is known as the global guardian for public health. When your organization accepts money from Nestlé, it sets a bad precedent and the wrong tone for the future. Many rely on WHO for protection from industry self-interest, do you want the legacy of opening that predacious door?

I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to accept Nestlé funding, in turn reaffirming your commitment to the WHO Code and those it protects. I implore you to join WHO and publicly call for Nestlé executives to end their unethical promotion of infant formula and unhealthy foods and to stop lobbying against regulations that safeguard global health.
Maria Parlapiano RN IBCLC
Chatham, NJ


1. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/19/us-obesity-who-industry-idUSBRE89I0K620121019
2. http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/code_english.pdf.
3. http://new.paho.org/usa/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=163
4. www.babymilkaction.org
5. www.paho.org/english/gov/ce/od328-strategy-e.pdf
6. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303592404577361070078
7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1316395/Baby-milk-formula-make-child-obese-5.html
8. http://new.paho.org/usa/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=163

Friday, November 16, 2012

WHO the Heck, Did What?!

You're probably thinking- Not again! Didn't Maria just finish a similar campaign?!http://www.mothering.com/community/a/newark-and-nestl-partnership-there-s-nothing-sweet-about-it
Now I know what Michael Corleone from the Godfather meant when he said,
 "Just when I thought I was out....they keep pulling me back in." -Lol


Around the world, civic and non-profit organizations have been gloming "donated" Nestle money,
 like kids in a candy shop! http://newarknj.patch.com/articles/new-pilot-program-will-target-childhood-obesity-in-newark

Ironic, right? That money "earmarked for healthy causes" actually comes from Nestle - the worlds biggest "candy shop"!  Add to that, the fact that Nestle is the  largest manufacturer of processed, high-fat foods and high-calorie beverages including their infamous infant formula and baby food products.  I would also be amiss not to mention their notorious bottled water business- saving that for a future blogwww.bottledlifefilm.com/index.php/home-en.html

Complacency surrounding this issue runs rampid which I will never get used to.  But more disturbing is the warm embrace Nestle receives from the the very programs and  organizations that are working tirelessly to reverse the damage that Nestle itself causes to our population and planet! 

By now, many of us who follow the trail of chocolate wrappers one by one, are rarely surprised.  False benevolence is one of Nestle's trademark tactics. Eying the long list of names of those who fall prey via gifts, donations, sponsorships, scholarships, interships, partnerships, research, promotions and educational conferences is merely a daily routine now.

But recently, even I- Ms.Cynical herself, was literally shaken to the core when news broke that PACH/WHO accepted $150,000 from Nestle to fight obesity and non-communicable diseases!   I almost choked on my Hot Pocket - NOT!
Akin to Eve's partaking of the forbidden fruit, are we to believe that WHO may now fall from grace?  Just like the others- corruptible?

If so, then who can we trust if we can't trust WHO anymore- (can't believe I just wrote that!)  Historically they were our "agents" for global health concerns and guidance.
Even with their attempt to guard us from commercial exploitation and promote, support and protect breastfeeding via the Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes -it appears they have now allowed political and financial pressure to trump reason and responsibility. 
Perhaps we overestimated the power and ability of WHO to protect us from harm, as well as police itself and resist temptation from corporate parias like Nestle.

Perhaps WHO underestimated their own need for self-monitoring, as well as, our need for urgency and stewardship when our health is threatened by Nestle and other global food giants.

These are shortfalls that may likely haunt us for years to come.

Starting now, there will be a vast effort put forth by breastfeeding and child health advocates in an all-out, grass-roots, multi-media campaign to inform, educate and act to empower change and flip this situation to our advantage.

Our goal is to influence PAHO/WHO to the extent that they will reverse their decision and mis-align themselves with Nestle.

But we need your help to mobilize this campaign to the largest scale possible so
PAHO/WHO hears us LOUD &CLEAR! Cause, trust me, Nestle is always listening.........:(

Join & Share Friends of the WHO Code Today !https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/friendsofthewhocode/

Sign the petition today!

Open Letter to Director of PAHO/WHO-

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I've Been Censored!

Censorship -- the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society -- has been a hallmark of dictatorships throughout history. In the 20th Century, censorship was achieved through the examination of books, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other forms of communication for the purpose of altering or suppressing ideas found to be objectionable or offensive.


In August, I was ASKED TO WRITE a blog post for Best for Babes website's new advocacy page about my "Stop Newark/Nestle Now" Campaign.  So I spent a good day or so writing what I thought was a very nice piece.  Previously, I had done 2 guest blog for Mothering.com and Motherwear.com which were well received.  I looked forward to educating and enlightening more people.

I sent the guest blog post to Michelle-- the person in charge of the advocacy page - she approved and posted it. 
(I stuck it here if you'd like to read it)

Shortly, thereafter I received the following email.  

Hi Maria,

I wanted to let you know that I made a decision to remove your guest blog post from the Best for Babes blog.   Although we fully support the petition you created and link to it from our Take Action hub (which is managed by Michelle Hickman), the tone of the post you wrote does not reflect the way in which we strive to communicate with our followers, fans and supporters.   In addition, some time ago we were made aware of comments you made on your blog that were negative towards formula-feeding moms, which is a conflict because we ask that guest bloggers subscribe to our mission and credo; and also negative remarks towards Best for Babes, which leads us to believe that writing for Best for Babes is not a good fit for you.

Danielle and I do appreciate the work you do to support moms and babies to breastfeed, and wish you the very best in your endeavors!

With best regards,
Bettina Forbes, CLC
Co-Founder, Best for Babes® Foundation

Of course, I was taken back a bit.  I spent time, worked hard on it and felt that this campaign deserved the attention.  Isn't that  why did they ask me to write it in the first place?  So, I responded with the following email:
Dear Bettina,
Thank you for your candid email. I appreciate honesty and regret this correspondance hadn't occured sooner.
Offending is never my intent when I write a blog. I am well aware of how words can influence and stir up some very uncomfortable feelings in both the writer and reader. My words (in question) were meant as a passionate "Call to Action" for all women but obviously they were misinterpreted by some (as often they can be)- I deeply regret that. As I try to keep close watch on how I live and how I teach and stay true to what is right, I am not by any means perfect :(
Also, if you had thought that I had made any negative remarks about your organization, I apologize and wish you would have contacted me immediately. I would hope we could openly discussed anything as we are professional adults, working together for the greater good.
I can assure you that I am in no way prejudice or judgemental toward any mother, no matter how she feeds her baby. Obviously, I wouldn't have a successful, rewarding career helping mothers and babies for over 20 years if I was like that. Anyone that knows me can tell you, I am all welcoming and inclusive in my work and my life.
As I realize your opinion is based on your passion and loyalty, I would hope that you would reserve the judgement that you so kindly impart to your followers to me as well.
As far as the guest post I was asked to write for your "Take Action" Hub, I respect your opinion but if you wouldn't mind clarifying for me what you meant by "the tone of the post you wrote does not reflect the way in which we strive to communicate with our followers, fans and supporters" ? I spent quite a bit of time on it and similar guest blogs of mine were posted on Mothering.com and Motherwear.com. without any problems so could you be more specific?
The Newark-Nestle issue is much more important than my ego, trust me, so I am open to re-writing something that you feel would better suit your readership. I just need to know what you want :)
Best to you,
Maria Parlapiano RN IBCLC

Guess what?  I never heard back from her. 

Do you believe that the B4B readership should be "protected" from the information provided in the guest post I submitted? 
Or is this censorship more personal ie. Bettina just doesn't like me.

You be the judge.


Weighing In on the Newark/Nestle Partnership- Tipping the Scales for Profit

Why is the world’s greatest purveyor of junk food “piloting’ a nutrition program for infants and children?    Nestlé wants us to believe their mission is to decrease waistlines when in fact it’s all about increasing their bottom line! 

Yes, it’s true one of the major contributors to global obesity, Nestlé Corporation is sponsoring a program targeted at reducing childhood obesity in one of the poorest cities in the US -Newark, NJ.  (25% of population is below poverty level)   Keep in mind, Nestlé (Gerber/Beechnut) is the largest baby food and infant formula manufacturer / marketer on the planet with total sales of $30 billion/ year in North America alone!   Can you say, “Conflict of Interest”? 

On Feb. 11th, Mayor Cory Booker gleefully accepted a check from Marilyn Knox of Nestlé Nutrition, USA for $100,000 sealing the fate of these poor babies and children of Newark.   When the Mayor was filmed accepting Nestlé's check of $100,000.00, he was standing in front of a background covered with  Nestlé/ Gerber logos and the Nestlé's press release had pop-up ads for formula, coupons, rebates, Baby Club etc.

So with Mayor Booker’s blessing, here is what Nestlé has planned for Newark’s most vulnerable citizens at all 15 of the Family Success Centers.  First, Nestlé will provide their own “nutritionists” to "promote, educate and support" breastfeeding when in reality, formula feeding will be the focal point of instruction.   Second, the promotion of healthy eating, endorsing the use of home-made, whole, fresh foods for babies but in fact, they will promote Nestlé prepackaged, processed baby foods, first and foremost.   Also, Nestlé plans to set up peer counselor programs (using the clients to market Nestlé products), hand out gifts and samples “luring” the mothers in and making them dependent on Nestlé products. (formula costs at least $200 a month/ baby -that is 14% of the per capita income of the average Newark family!)   
It is quite telling that in this posted job description for the "Nestlé-Newark Now Family Nutritionist" there was no mention, at all, of breastfeeding.   http://shrp.umdnj.edu/current_students/career_rc/documents/NewarkcommunityhealtheducatorjobDescription.pdf

Nestlé strategically plans to take this program across the country to other vulnerable US cities.  Nestlé's Infant Nutrition President and CEO Marilyn Knox, stated on a YouTube channel press release, "we want to recognize Mayor Booker specifically for not only what he is doing here, but the example of taking Newark and turning it into actually an example, a role model to replicate in other places ..."

If you’re not convinced yet of Nestlé’s true agenda, allow Peter Brabeck-Letmath, head of Nestlé S.A, to clarify, “Companies should only pursue charitable endeavors with an underlying intention of making money for investors.”  Simply put, Nestlé will only link its name to initiatives that will be profitable.
Source: Boston Herald “Nestlé chief rejects the need to 'give back' to communities”, 9 March 2005.

 It was clear to me that Mayor Booker and these poor Newark families are just being used as a "front" for the largest coup in US formula industry history!
That’s when I screamed, "Bad Move"!  Surely, Mayor Booker is ill-informed, I thought.  Obviously, no one told him about Nestlé’s appalling reputation of being one of the top 4 most boycotted companies on the planet or the studies that show formula, bottle feeding and early introduction of solid foods actually increase childhood obesity!

The World Health Organization, (WHO) International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, (the Code), endorsed by the US Government, was developed to try to curtail Nestlé's marketing practices http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/code_english.pdf

The International Nestlé Boycott, started in the US in the 70's, attempts to put pressure on Nestlé to comply with the Code.  Some people remember the Bottle Baby Scandal, where Nestle was implicated when millions of babies in Africa died.  Many people today think Nestlé has changed their ways but they have not.  Nestlé continues their well-deserved, notorious reputation for aggressive and unethical marketing including mislabeling/misrepresenting their formulas and baby foods worldwide.

Nestlé spends $4 million each year lobbying against regulation and taxation of unhealthy food. This manipulation enables them to continue manufacturing and marketing junk and confectionary foods that have resulted in increasing world obesity rates. 

The Surgeon General's 2011 Call to Action for Breastfeeding Report called for "all women to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first 6 months" and states “full-term infants have a 32% excess risk of childhood obesity associated with not breastfeeding.” Action 6 (from her report) states: "ensure that the marketing of infant formula is conducted in a way that minimizes its negative impact on exclusive breastfeeding". http://www.doh.state.fl.us/chdManatee/Pdf/Surgeon_General's_Call_to_Action_to_Support_Breastfeeding.pdf

Nestlé is setting themselves up as "The expert nutrition educators" in the US and throughout the world.  In the US, they have already partnered with the AAP http://www.aap.org, USDA http://www.usda.gov

 The Governor of Michigan has given Nestlé the go-ahead to "educate" in medical schools, hospitals and communities.

So, after failed attempts to meet with Mayor Booker, I created the petition, “Stop Newark /Nestlé Now!" on February 16, in an attempt to stop this hypocritical partnership.  Petition link:

This petition has been a great educational tool, (around the world people are watching Newark / Nestle and speakers at conferences are discussing what is going on, groups are posting in their newsletters/blogs etc.).  We have signatures from over 2000 concerned people from 55 countries but it has not encouraged Mayor Booker to cancel his partnership with Nestlé .   He refuses to meet or communicate with any of us including the thousands of people, who have written to him through Public Citizen.

L'Tanya Williamson, Director of Child and Family Well-being along with other advisors to the Mayor, also refuse to communicate about this issue.   The NJ Health Commissioner, Mary E. O'Dowd, who supports breastfeeding, says she cannot stop the partnership because it is a donation to the City of Newark, while Governor Christie is differing back to the Commissioner.  Neither the Surgeon General nor First Lady Michelle Obama has responded to our multiple pleas for help.  Everyone seems to be “passing the buck” even though, it is obvious that this "donation" will negatively affect health, increase obesity and increase health care costs not only in NJ but across the country.

If you are concerned about Nestle being allowed to sponsor programs targeted to reduce childhood obesity, please sign our petition and spread the word! Contact your local politicians, health professionals, clergy and media.  We cannot let corporate money be the determining factor in our fight for a brighter, healthier future for our children.    Immediate action is needed before Nestle comes to your town.

GOT BREASTMILK? Milk Sharing in a Modern World

In a busy practice such as mine, often enough I am confronted with the issue of a baby needing to be supplemented with a little extra breastmilk temporarily. Sometimes it's a baby that will always require supplementing like in breast CA or adoption cases. What's a consultant and family to do? I have been know to say," Wish I could take breastmilk from some who have too much and give it to those who need it!" Can we really do that? Well, yes there are ways......

The following link is to a blog post by a colleague, Amber McCann, IBCLC which lays out this dilemma and solution.  http://www.ambermccann.com/blog/milksharing/#ixzz27Oy2pI4Z">
As she says so nicely,
"I believe that parents are capable of making the choices that are best for themselves and their families. It is my job to make sure they have all the information to do so."
So as I cannot legally serve as a "Milk Broker", but there is no reason I cannot provide the information for you to explore all your possibilities for donating or receiving breastmilk.

I do not condone nor recommend buying and selling breastmilk as I believe money truly contaminates everything!   Also, I ask that you consider NOT donating to a for-profit company such as Prolacta because they are using donated milk to make hybrid baby milks and human milk fortifiers and selling them at a HUGE profit!

Also note that "left over" milk, even from the human milk banks is given or sold to the formula industries for research and patenting. Over 2000 patents of breastmilk components have been issued! This is not good :(        *for further info about that see- http://www.valeriemcclain.com

You do not want your precious gift of milk to be used in the ultimate demise of breastfeeding! 
(which sadly is the formula industry plan)

Personally, I believe mother-to-mother milk sharing with someone familiar and with the screening methods you are both comfortable with is a great option.

For more info on the subject of milk sharing you can also check out:http://www.milkjunkies.net/2012/09/milksharing-and-la-leche-league.html

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bitter, Not So Sweet End to Newark/Nestle Campaign

After 6 months of intense volunteer efforts, this is our final e-mail update as we are closing the "Stop Newark Nestle Now" petition tomorrow, Friday, Aug. 31st.

The "Nestle Education Program" conducted it's first class on July 11th at the Newark Now – Family Success Center located at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center.  So, it appears that we stalled but were unsuccessful at stopping the Nestle sponsored "pilot" program to target childhood obesity. 

But we do know that we have been successful at educating many and raising awareness of the formula industry's marketing schemes disguised as "good will" donations. We would like to add that exposing the true agendas of the many parties involved was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we are now better informed about the politics surrounding the food industries as well as the the "big picture" regarding our uphill battle to secure breastfeeding.  A curse because the truth was a bitter pill to swallow, one that will leave a bad taste in our mouths for a very long time.

Even though, all International breastfeeding organizations and 2400 individuals signed the petition from over 50 countries sadly, there was not enough US support, on any level, to influence Mayor Booker to change his decision to partner with Nestle.  

In February, when we requested help from United States Breastfeeding Committee , we were told, "We do not typically take positions on individual situations of this nature, but we do encourage individual advocates to take action according to their personal conscience and interests." To us, this response was not acceptable as we are just two lactation consultants with private practices! (Renee lives in Canada) How could we be expected to lobby this issue on our own?  Most importantly, Nestle's plan to promote this program across the US is a huge threat to public health in the states and worldwide, not an "individual situation".  

It took much effort and tenacity to hold the USBC accountable to their own mission statement "to improve the Nation’s health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding."  Also their objective, “ to advance breastfeeding on our Nation’s agenda through Collaboration, Leadership, and Advocacy.” Goal B of their current Strategic Plan is to: “Reduce marketing that undermines optimal breastfeeding,” with the sub-objective to “Counteract the negative impact of product marketing.”  

USBC did offer and follow through with notifying their state coalitions regarding the campaign but refused to sign the petition as a group, post it to their website, write a press release, or consider speaking to the NJ Health Commissioner Mary O'Dowd, as we requested. Commissioner O'Dowd viewed this Nestle sponsorship as only a "donation". Communication from the USBC might have been more effective in convincing her otherwise. Especially with regards to this program being in conflict with the WHO Code, endorsed by the US Government and the Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding.

Finally this month, the USBC did report that they have arranged a meeting with Mayor Booker at the end of the month. They have also promised to write a "position paper for cities, counties and states describing how such partnerships are undesirable" which is supposed to be placed on their web site soon. Otherwise, we are not privy to any information regarding their "behind the scene" advocacy in this matter. 

Even after being properly informed, Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, First Lady Michelle Obama, American Academy of Pediatrics, National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality, Center for Disease Control, International Lactation Consultant Association, La Leche League Intl, NJ Governor Chris Christie, NJ Health Commissioner Mary O'Dowd, numerous Newark Public Health Officials, Newark town counsel members, clergy or local media (just to name a few) felt no obligated to get involved, intervene or speak out publicly about what is going on.  As with the multitude of agencies, organizations, programs and professionals designed and funded to combat childhood obesity, promote and protect the health and well-being of women and children in the US - we were met with silence, secrecy, lack of transparency, complacency or "we don't get involved, the Mayor can do as he pleases."  And what makes it even worse, we were to discover that many of the above, are themselves, funded by the formula, baby food and junk food industries.  

As all national organizations from countries around the world, ramp up their interest in promoting and supporting breastfeeding, there is still silence or lack of action, (in many countries) on the issue of protecting women from the commercial pressures to artificially feed their babies and the safety of those babies who depend on formula to live - the US is not alone in this.

It is our belief that if all national breastfeeding organizations are not actively involved with putting the WHO Code into serious practice, breastfeeding will continue to be another casualty this world cannot afford. More and more babies will continue to be put in serious health risk as the dependance on artificial baby milks increase as breastfeeding decreases. 

Furthermore, as long as the US government allows politicians to make decisions about health care, industry will come first. As long as the formula industry is permitted to "buy" their way around proper manufacturing/regulation/ marketing of their products- they are literally "untouchable". By this we mean, unaccountable to those who dare question their methods and those who become dependent on their products.  History has shown that when dealing with formula companies that place profit above all else, babies are at risk- no matter how they are fed.

This was a petition to stop the Mayor of Newark from allowing Nestle to exploit his city's poorest, most vulnerable citizens. The method was to declare Nestle's seemingly harmless program, a cleverly crafted scheme to further their agenda of greed and market domination.

But it didn't stop there. This became a global outcry to "WAKE UP and ACT to PROTECT breastfeeding and all babies from further harm!  Unfortunately, no matter how hard we tried, those in the decision-making seats whom we bestowed our confidence and loyalty, simply chose to ignore our pleas.

We would like to thank you for your support over the last six months. The international support was overwhelming. Advice from our colleagues at BMA (Baby Milk Action), IBFAN (International Baby Food Action Network) and WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) including their open letters to Mayor Booker and posting on their websites was invaluable.  Special thanks to Peggy O'Mara from Mothering.com, Elizabeth Ben-Ishal of Public Citizen, Bonnie Rochman from Time.com, Motherwear.com, Valerie McClain, Jodine Chase, as well as all US BF coalitions, BF advocacy websites and individual bloggers who posted and shared this petition. Lastly, your personal letters helped by adding that "human touch" which got us through many long hours, allowing us to take this as far as we possibly could.

We may not have been able to stop this but maybe our efforts will stall or even prevent Nestle from doing this "in other cities and states". This petition may be over but our commitment to protecting mothers and babies must never end.

Best wishes,
Maria Parlapiano RN IBCLC
Renee Hefti-Graham RN, LC

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Newark/Nestlé Partnership: There's Nothing Sweet About It!!

For decades, Nestlé Corporation has hidden behind a vale of creamy, luscious chocolate. Perceived by Americans as harmless, Nestlé has its sticky fingers in almost everything from bottled water to dog food. In the US, Nestlé owns Gerber and Beechnut brands. Now, with their recent purchase of Pfizer’s Infant Nutrition Division, they rain supreme as the largest purveyor of infant formula and baby food in the world.


On February 11th, Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, NJ accepted a $100,000.00 check from Marilyn Knox, CEO, of Nestlé Nutrition USA, as a “benevolent” offer to partner with him to fight his city’s childhood obesity problem.


As a maternal/child health specialist, nurse, and lactation consultant, red flags (or should I say candy wrappers) flew up all over the place when I heard this! Not Nestlé! One of the largest contributors to worldwide obesity is sponsoring a nutrition program targeted at reducing childhood obesity? Surely, Mayor Booker is ill-informed, I thought. Obviously, no one told him about Nestlé’s appalling reputation or the studies that show formula, bottle feeding and early introduction of solid foods actually increase childhood obesity!


As a matter of fact, it was clear to me that Mayor Booker and these poor Newark families (25% below the poverty level) were just being used as a "front" for the largest coup in US formula industry history.
So, after failed attempts to meet with Mayor Booker, I created the petition, “Stop Newark /Nestlé Now!" on February 16, in an attempt to stop this hypocritical partnership.
Petition link:
http://www.change.org/petitions/mayor-cory-booker-newark-new-jersey-usa-stop-the-hypocritical-newarknestle-campaign-to-target-childhood- obesity?share_id=HDVyjOmNmk&

The following information is to inform, educate and compel into action those who care deeply about the oppression of mothers and the future of children all over the world.

Let’s start with this statement from Dr JP Dadhich, National Coordinator, Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, “Breastfeeding plays a key role not only in infancy but also in shaping the future of the child. Exposure to infant formula during this vital period may in fact increase chances of obesity later in childhood. The risk increases as the beneficial effects of breastmilk that prevent obesity are replaced with the detrimental effects of infant formula.”

I, and those who support this petition, believe that Nestlé sponsorship of this anti-obesity campaign is just the latest Nestlé marketing tactic to divert attention from these very chilling facts:

1. Nestlé has a well-deserved, notorious reputation for aggressive and unethical marketing placing them among the top four
most boycotted companies on the planet!

2. Gerber formula is milk from a cow, laden with addictive high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, oils and chemical additives,
which are directly linked to obesity in infants. Formula-fed infants ingest 30,000 more calories/year than their breastfed
counter parts. http://analyticalarmadillo.blogspot.com/2010/07/bottle-feeders-please-stop-twisting-it.html

3. Nestle’s baby foods are processed and packaged with cost in mind, not quality.

4. Nestlé spends $4 million each year lobbying against regulation and taxation of unhealthy food.
This manipulation enables them to continue manufacturing and marketing junk and confectionary foods that have resulted in
increasing world obesity rates.

5. Formula feeding is linked to diabetes as well as many other diseases resulting in increased health care costs, energy
usage,production, transport, pollution and waste. Furthermore, it costs about $200 a month to formula feed one baby. That is
14% of the per capita income of the average Newark families. Some parents will over dilute the formula or substitute other
fluids, such as coffee creamers, which leads to even further illness, poor development and death.

6. The Surgeon General's 2011 Call to Action For Breastfeeding Report called for "all women to exclusively breastfeed their
babies for the first 6 months" and states “full-term infants have a 32% excess risk of childhood obesity associated with not
breastfeeding.” Action 6 (from her report) states: "ensure that the marketing of infant formula is conducted in a way that
minimizes its negative impact on exclusive breastfeeding".
*Note: We have had NO REPLIES to our pleas for help from the Surgeon General.

7. The First Lady, Michelle Obama breastfed her 2 daughters and is a staunch supporter of breastfeeding. Her campaign, "Let's
Move" to target childhood obesity is being corrupted by Nestlé and Mayor Booker. (We have as yet had no replies to our please
for help from the First Lady.)

8. The Mayor is violating NJ Conflict of Interest Laws, the City ofNewark- Children's Bill of Rights and the International Code
of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Furthermore, the Mayor isviolating the Code of Ethics he signed when he entered the
"World Mayor" competition.

9. Nestlé is setting themselves up as "The expert nutrition educators" in the US and throughout the world. In the US, they
have already partnered with the AAP, http://www.aap.org, USDA http://www.usda.gov, The Governor Of Michigan has given Nestlé
the go-ahead to "educate" in medical schools, hospitals and communities.
Also Nestlé is has posted jobs dedicated to converting Federal WIC programs to their Gerber brand formula.

Nestle’ has sales of $30 billion a year in North America alone. “Peter Brabeck-Letmath, head of Nestlé S.A. - said "companies should only pursue charitable endeavors with an underlying intention of making money for investors.” Source: Boston Herald “Nestlé chief rejects the need to 'give back' to communities”, 9 March 2005.
Then the question is, how is Nestlé benefiting its investors by linking its name to this initiative?

Well, let’s see. When I questioned Mayor Booker (on his radio show, Newark Today) about this partnership with Nestlé he responded, "There are no strings attached" but Nestlé's true agenda is quite apparent. When the Mayor was filmed accepting Nestlé's check of $100,000.00, he was standing in front of a background covered with Nestlé/Gerber logos and the Nestlé's press release had pop-up ads for formula, coupons, rebates, Baby Club etc.(direct violation Action 6: Surgeon General’s Report)
Obvious benefit to Nestlé, right? (Note the Gerber logo to the left of Booker’s head in the photo above.)


The Newark/Nestlé partnership to reduce childhood obesity is a "New Pilot Program". Nestlé strategically plans to take to other US cities and states. Nestlé's Infant Nutrition President and CEO Marilyn Knox, stated on a YouTube channel press release, "we want to recognize Mayor Booker specifically for not only what he is doing here, but the example of taking Newark and turning it into actually an example, a role model to replicate in other places ..." So, New Jersey will carry the legacy of being the first state that’s opened the castle gates for the wooden Trojan horse!

Nestlé’s plan is to provide their own “nutritionists” to "educate" about breastfeeding and nutrition (push Nestlé products). Slated to start this month, they plan to set up peer counselor programs (using the clients to market Nestlé products), hand out gifts and samples “luring” the mothers in and making them dependant on Nestlé products, at all 15 of the Family Success Centers in Newark.

In the posted job description for the "Nestlé-Newark Now Family Nutritionist" there was no mention, at all, of breastfeeding. Nestlé spokesperson has said their “nutritionists” will be promoting and supporting breastfeeding (which is cheaper and healthier), but trust me, in reality, formula feeding will be the focal point of instruction. Nestlé “nutritionists” will say they are endorsing the use of home-made, whole, fresh foods for babies which are less expensive and more nourishing but in fact, they will promote Nestlé prepackaged, processed baby foods, first and foremost.

How do I know this? That’s easy. Nestlé is a known violator of the WHO Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes. They do what they want and “thumb their nose” at anyone who dares to confront them.

New York Mayor Bloomberg announced, April 19, 2012 (NY Post) that he has launched the WHO / UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, a program to support and encourage women to breastfeed. Mayor Bloomberg states, "There is a 22% reduced risk for childhood obesity when women breastfeed for 6 months".
Yet, just across the Hudson River, in Newark, the opposite is set to occur – less breastfeeding, higher rates of obesity in the hands of Nestlé.

Initially, Mayor Booker was given materials about the importance of breastfeeding (to help prevent obesity, other health issues, health care costs etc.) and information about Nestlé’s true motive for partnering. The Mayor was offered creative alternatives that could help women successfully breastfeed and thereby decrease childhood obesity and other health issues. The Mayor has received every signature and every comment on the petition and many letters but he has shown no sign of cancelling his partnership with Nestlé. He has not responded to any correspondence and has refused all requests for meetings.

As of today, more than 2000 people have signed from more than 50 countries and hundreds of people have left negative comments about Nestlé on the petition site. All International Organizations, under WHO and UNICEF's direction to protect breastfeeding from commercial pressures to artificially feed babiesincluding IBFAN (International Baby Food Action Network), WABA, (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action), BMA (Baby Milk Action, UK) and IBFAN Switzerlandhave signed and written letters asking the Mayor to cancel his partnership. There has been worldwide outcry for Newark to stop this partnership but, unfortunately, it has fallen on deaf ears.

Some excuse the Mayor by saying Newark is desperate for money. Poor, desperate cities are easy prey for a pariah like Nestlé. But should desperation for money trump common sense and good judgment? As citizens, we expect due diligence and responsible decision making from public officials. We expect our children’s best interest to be placed above all else and our voices to be heard, not ignored.

Mayor Booker posted on his Facebook page, "a child being born right now, today, is depending on us to liberate their potential, and ensure that they enjoy America as truly a land of equal opportunity."

In response to that statement, I challenge Mayor Booker: How can that "child being born today" depend on someone who blatantly disregards this plea on their behalf? Haven’t we learned that it is more difficult to liberate a child’s potential when their nutritional/emotional start in life is substandard or damaged?

How can children who have been placed at such a disadvantage, grow to enjoy America, as truly a land of equal opportunity?
They can’t.

Posted as a guest blog on mothering.com 5/4/12